Tag Archives: night waking

When you want to strangle your husband.

How can someone so smart, so intelligent, just not “get it.”

I’m about ready to strangle my husband this morning – less than ten minutes after waking up.

I came to my attention that The Girl woke up around 4 AM – screaming.  Then The Girl refused to go back to sleep unless being held.

The Husband, in his infinite wisdom, decided this was the “solution of least resistance.” In other words, she sleeps, he doesn’t, but she isn’t screaming.

So I asked, “Did you give her any medicine?”

“No.  Why would I do that?”

“Because she doesn’t usually wake up at 4 AM and refused to lay back down unless she’s sick – usually with yet another ear infection.”

“She gave me no signs she’s in any pain.”

“You mean other than the whole ‘up screaming at 4 AM and refusing to go back to sleep’ sign?”

To which he became pissed and stormed off like a child.

Was I out of line in believing this was a symptom?  My daughter is not even a year and half and has had five ear infections – all after she turned a year.  I have a 90% track record of being right about her ears.

The conversation resumed later – where I was belittled for suggesting – again – that a 4 AM awakening could possibly be a symptom – because she slept for seven hours already.  Surely she couldn’t have possibly slept that long with an ear infection.  Once again, because she didn’t have a fever and didn’t yell “Daddy, you dumbass, my ears hurt!” I must be imagining things or overreacting.

Pointing out her too short naps for the last few days did little to strengthen my case.

Now she’s asleep – during a very non-nap time period, which is likely to have repercussions later in the day. 

I’m hoping it’s only a power nap so as not to disrupt her schedule.  But I have somewhere I need to be in 45 minutes – which means she’ll sleep for another hour if I let her.

Sometimes Mommy choices suck. Especially with a cranky-sleep-deprived-too-linear thinking Daddy – who escaped to work before I was able to strangle him.


Filed under The Girl, The Husband